Friday, January 29, 2010

Great weekend ahead!
So it's been a week since I've started focusing on my post baby workouts and I feel really good. This is the first time -ever- that I had been out and off from working out for 4-5 weeks so it's a great experience for me to have to re-enter training after a period of time like this.
I've jogged a couple times on the treadmill and feel better then I thought I would. Now I will start picking a couple events to focus on this year (The Philly Distance Run in September will certainly be one of them! I loved that event!)
The one part of training that is humbling is working with my core. After the c-section I am cleared to workout but definitely need to be patient with reestablishing my strength. I know it will come back ;-)
I look forward to starting to teach group fitness classes again this coming week and know this will help motivate me to stay focused on cardio. The participants in my classes have always motivated me to keep going- even though I am the instructor. I find inspiration in the attendees.
I look forward to seeing some old familiar faces and new faces in classes!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A must See

Good Wednesday-
This is just a short note to mention today's Oprah- featuring Michael Pollan's Food Inc. It's a must see documentary for anyone interested in knowing more about just what they are eating.

It's great to see this information getting more media attention -Thank you Oprah!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good Tuesday! Yes, it's not even mid-week and it's usually about this time that we are trying to figure out how we're going to get our 'to do' list done in time.

Tip one, don't stress over everything that is adding up. Get creative with solutions, or even better, learn to delegate and ask for assistance. Asking for help is not a sign a weakness, it's a sign of strength of confidence that enables you to get things done. Learning to let go and let someone join in the project and 'assist' is a key learning for anyone wanting to get ahead in their project list. And if you are someone that must be in 'control', well, then you are going to always be too busy.

Tip two, plan ahead whenever you can. So here is where I plug our nutrition seminars....Select 1 or 2 days during the week to prep meals for you /or the whole family. By chopping and cutting veggies in advance to throw into salads, stir-fry, soup, snack packs, etc... ; baking a tray of fish or making a large pot of hearty soup, you'll save time and frustration during the week when trying to make healthy dinners. We all know that if it's convenient, we'll eat it (which is why we don't keep cookies and ice cream in the house....) so make dinner convenient by prepping in advance so your weeknight dinner prep is limited to under 30 mins and as little as 10 mins!!!

Tip three, practice saying, 'no thank you.' Seriously, it's okay to decline every invitation received. Your health -both mental and physical -will thank you for it. It is not rude to decline every request to participate at social group gatherings, dinner with friends or happy hour with co-workers when you already have a commitment to be somewhere else-or if you just need that time to yourself to refresh and re-energize for the next day or week. Keep your priorities in check, and your first priority should be your health. Yes, I said your health. Without it, how can you be the best employee, parent or loved one?

Have a great 'mid-week.'

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 1, Felt Great!

This post, as well as many to come, is especially for any new moms or any mom that is looking to get back in shape! As an instructor and trainer, I've heard many women say -I'll never have a flat stomach again after having kids... Well, here is my journey on 'getting it back.' And to me, it's not just about looking great again, it's achieving a healthy body and maintaining a healthy mind in the process. Working, taking care of a baby and of course managing a home is a lot to do each day- Then add in a couple workouts during the week. So a large part of the process is building mental strength and balance as well.

Today was the first day of logging my workouts again. It's officially 7 weeks after delivery and I had a great workout with Jim. The one thing I have learned very quickly is that I can't let my own competitive self get disappointed that I am not as strong as I was before I got pregnant or even before I delivered. I have never taken a whole month off from working out...let alone had a surgery to recover from. So it is humbling as a fitness professional to step back and look at all that I have now and what I am going gain back in the coming weeks/months! It is very exciting and motivating!

Of course my nutrition is back on course as well! The process is two fold- need to workout consistently and eat clean. I am monitoring my food choices to keep me strong and eliminating the 'empty calories.' It's true that I am generally one who eats 'clean' but it's easy to justify a few 'empty' calories when you are pregnant or just after delivery since a lot of weight came off without much 'effort' in the gym those first couple weeks.

By the way, HPC offers nutrition seminars. Check out the website for description and contact us for more details. The 2010 calendar kicks of Sunday, February 7th.

Have a great & healthy day!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Welcome to Human Performance Coaching

Hi and welcome to the HPC blog. We are new to blogging and look forward to sharing updates and upcoming events with you! One of the big themes of this blog in the coming weeks and months will be following me, Amy, on getting back in shape after our first baby -born just 7 weeks ago.

Jim and I welcomed home our first child, a healthy baby boy on Dec 7, 2009. At 6 weeks after a c-section delivery, I was 11 lbs from my weight prior to my pregnancy. I'm excited to work toward the previous fitness level and share with other women the process.

We'll share updates on upcoming nutrition seminars and class offerings here as well!

For more information on Human Performance Coaching visit
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