Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow can be good or poor for your health - you choose.

So if you are like us -in the Northeast and in the middle of another's message is about how being snowed in and how it can be 'good and healthy' for your -OR- can be terrible and full of empty calories.

When we were kids, snow days were spent outside running around for hours followed by some hot chocolate or soup. Now that we are grown up, snow days are spent worrying about how we are going to get everything done with one day less to do it all while subjecting ourselves to mindless eating in front of the TV. This is only if you allow this to happen.

Instead of allowing the stress and excess of calories to consume you, use this time to do something that will give you the sense of feeling good. For some of you, it might be allowing yourself to relax for the day and not obsess with chores and work. Think of the time you would have spent in the car today trying to get to work or other places and reinvest that time in something that brings you joy (similar to how playing in the snow brought you joy as a child). Maybe it's some reading you've wanted to catch up on, playing with the kids or making some homemade soup. What you don't want to do is spend the day stressed out -that is the opposite of why mother nature gives us snow days! Nor do you want to eat a bag of chips followed by a batch of cookies and pint of ice cream. Sugar is not going to resolve the stress nor is it a good reward for what shoveling of snow you did get done. The sugar and excess calories will only add to your stress if you overindulge. Your heart and health with thank you for NOT indulging as a 'reward.'

Yes, I am a home owner who would love to outsource all maintenance, cleaning etc... around the house (and we do outsource some of that work...) but truth is, on days like this, I enjoy the sense of accomplishment in shoveling the steps and getting a jump start on laundry. Of course these accomplishments are rewarded with a hot cup of tea and movie on the couch with family - not excessive calories. I want to feel good when I get into the gym tomorrow, not regret the choices from the day before.

So you can choose to allow the snow day to be your friend or foe. Enjoy what you do with it!

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