Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Excercise and Peace of Mind

So it's week three of returning to full time work and I am physically feeling great. The baby is sleeping well so far and therefore we are able to get a decent amount of rest. The latest lesson learned is -don't carry the weight of the world- there are others to help.
After a few days of trying to plan when I was going to get in some workouts during the week, keep the house straightened up, keep up with bottles, kitty litter, etc... I have two choices.
One- run myself around trying to keep things clean and mentally feel stressed that I am not getting to workout but twice a week -or- Two ask my husband when I need his help in order to get out and workout.

After a few days of missing workouts my husband could tell I was not myself. He was right. All I needed to do, was ask for his help with some small things around the house in order to mentally free up some energy to get in a workout. The point is, when exercise is important to someone- both physically and mentally - it's important to find a way to maintain it as a priority. Both for the benefit of yourself -but also those around you. They sense your energy- lack of energy -and frustrations when you are not happy. So the next day, I made it a priority to workout -even for 55 mins, kept the intensity up and felt great. Afterward, I felt completely refreshed and motivated because I was able to release the tension I had been carrying.

It's not selfish to prioritize some workouts if it's something that keeps you balanced, centered and focused. A happier you is a healthier you.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Regaining Fitness levels after the baby

Week over week, I feel stronger and my endurance levels are getting better. The challenge is of course, figuring out how to fit it all in. I decided that my workouts were going to have to be at 5 or 5:30 am...and then the baby decides that breakfast 1 is at 5:30 am so there goes my workout. (I have not committed to trying to workout at 4 am...) I am sure things will fall into place soon enough and for now, I am going to be grateful for each workout that I can get going forward and try to make each one count.

Yes, I will be more flexible and efficient with my workouts. Even if it means I need to get in and out and kindly excuse myself from the occasional 'social' discussions that some want to engage you in.

The good news is that my clothes fit better and I am feeling very good. Now I just need to focus on the appreciation of each workout-even if it's only 2 or 3x a week right now with returning to work, getting the baby to and from daycare, and managing the day to day so I can spend some quality with the baby as well. For now, it's one day at a time and focus on finding the balance and eating as clean as possible.

A Reminder on Sharing the Trails

So this week was one which I looked forward to the weekend more than ever before. It was the first week back to the office all 5 days, the Baby started in day care and the weather was going to over 50 degrees! What a perfect way to enjoy the baby than taking the baby in the jogger stroller and my doggie partner for a jog on the trail!!!!

I'll spare you the issue with the jogger stroller and leave today's blog on the bigger message of 'sharing the trails.' The area parks are shared by bikers and runners and families alike -that's half the beauty of the trail. Being someone who really enjoys an intense workout, I can appreciate the intensity of serious bikers and runners on the trail. I admire the dedication and focus they have on the path of their training.

So please allow me to get to the point, if you're going to train on public park trails, know that you are not the only one there. Get over yourself and realize that the trail is not just for you and your rude comments to a young family enjoying a walk in the park. We, (my husband and I) of all people are aware of our surroundings and are courteous of others with 'passing on your left' and 'excuse me' whenever either apply. I have witnessed not so courteous use of the trail with packs of bicycles or runners that take the width of the trail -but I chalk it up to 'o well, maybe they don't realize...' I would never think that a couple with a baby jogger would be the target of being yelled at by a rude lone guy on a bike because he wanted more than his fare share of the path. (The funny part here, is that we were actually at a stop on the right side of the trail -so I could pick up the sock the fell of the baby's foot -with no one in front or behind us and he was coming the opposite direction on the other side of the path....and clearly plenty of room to continue in his direction.) If your training is that intense and you feel as though others are going to hinder your training, perhaps you should reconsider the path you take and also reevaluate the priorities of the day...

Besides the drama this lone cyclist created, it was a gorgeous day at the park.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Learning to Flow during transition

With always striving for 'balance' in life, one would think that going with the flow comes naturally. This is not always true for me and having a baby and going back to work is teaching me a lot.

Being a person who loves agendas and schedules -is realizing that you can still get a lot accomplished even if it does not fall within the original thought out, preplanned, listed order of things. I have realized that when it comes to the workplace, I am better at adapting to new directions and re-prioritizing- frequently. However, when it comes to the household, it's a bit more challenging to be as flexible. It's a great lesson in balance.
Needing to adapt the traditional workout schedule, days to prep dinners, late day meetings and bath nights will all fall into place- as long as they are not met with resistance. The more pressure we put on ourselves to make it all fit, the longer it will take to get it all done. Learning to practice stepping back, taking a deep breath and going back in with a clear vision will only help make it all flow.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Recent buzz on pregnant Olympians

So the news the last couple days about current and past pregnant Olympians has sparked a new level of inspiration for me. Some will disagree, but I find a great source of motivation in these women. Especially given today was my first day back in the office after having the baby. I've thought ALOT about how I'll be able to continue working out, caring for the baby etc... while being at work over 8 hours each day.

The key is not just planning ahead on meal planning for you and the family, planning ahead what your workout is going to consist of, but being open and flexible on your training schedule. I've learned so far that although I may 'like' to use Friday or Saturday as my 'off' day from getting in the gym or working out, it very well may be the best day for me to get a great workout.
Before having the baby, the week always kicked off with some form of outside cardio on Sunday, followed by the most intense workout on Mondays. Now, with trying to find a routine with the baby's schedule, it seems that Mondays may become my optional workout and my more intense workout maybe Tuesday or Friday or even Saturday.

The point I'm trying to make very clear is that you'll find the openings in the 7 day week to fit in your workout(s) when it's important to you. Parents, please remember that your health and energy levels will have a direct impact on your mood and temperament with your children. Let's face it, when you feel good about yourself, you are generally happier, healthier and more balanced. So if exercise is important to you, you'll find a way to work it into your schedule. You'll soon realize that it's true, the healthier you are, the more energy and attention you'll have for your family.

In closing, find your motivation and make it happen!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Experiment- Try something new!!!

Hey Everyone!
We've had some sunshine to help melt some of the snow and renew the spirits that spring is not too far off. Today's message is to 'Try something new!' Experiment with new veggies and find the spices in your spice rack to keep them interesting and yummy.

I was working with a client this week on nutrition, how to prepare healthy dishes with the veggies she already liked & introduced a few new elements for fast, easy and tasty meals.
We made buckwheat pancakes, veggie stir fry with lentils, veggie quesadilla, edamame salad, roasted butternut squash and smoothies. Each item took about 15 - 20 mins. We made all of these items in about 75-90 mins. That includes a lot of discussion too and was a lot of food and meals in little time! Even though she did have some favorites and did not love one or two items, she was not afraid to try some new things and was excited to bring home these new ideas to implement right away.

As I've stated in earlier posts, the key to an easy week of healthy meals is prep in advance! Eliminate the time each day of chopping and prepping and set aside 30-40 mins to prep your veggies, lentils etc... for the week Having the key ingredients at your fingertips all week will deter you from taking the easy way out when time is tight. Think about the time it takes to pick up the phone and wait for the pizza to be delivered....vs taking handfuls of fresh veggies and grains into a pan to lightly stir fry and even throw into a wrap as a quesadilla! You've just saved yourself a load of calories, extra time doing cardio and about $15-$20.

March 1st is just around the corner, which means spring is too...don't keep putting off good nutrition...start experimenting today!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Find your motivation, in the Olympics perhaps

Ok, it's 10 weeks post baby and my workouts have been going well. I am feeling stronger each week! Now it's time to evaluate what empty calories I'm taking in that are not benefiting me or the baby. So as of today, I've began logging my eating habits again. Not for the purpose of cutting a large amount of calories from diet, but to be mindful of my food choices and portions. Since I am nursing my baby, I know that I can go into a huge deficit of calories -but I can certainly eliminate any unnecessary mindless eating.

So where am I finding motivation to help with this portion of my regime? I am watching Olympic highlights and the athletes! Athletes eat for performance. They know that their nutritional habits have a large factor in their training and performance. When I competed in fitness, it was all about eating for performance and the aesthetics from weeks of dieting. Now, without competing, my lifestyle is still all about endurance. I still need to eat for performance with working, being a mom, a wife and working out. When I eat clean good calories -I feel better, have more energy and everything falls into place! When I allow myself to consume poor choices, my body feels it by becoming sluggish and muddy thinking. The winter Olympics has been a source of energy for me and has reminded me to look more at my choices go back to choices based on what I need nutritionally to be efficient and run at optimal pace for a busy lifestyle.

Find your motivation and visit it often! Make the better choices and feel the difference!